15 January 2021

Irony of growing up

Children (both males and females) gains attention and force us to succumb to their demands by CRYING and SCREAMING When they grow up……….these emotions become GENDER SPECIFIC Females choose CRYING Males choose SCREAMING Either way, these emotions does not make One weaker and Other Stronger. Both emotions are merely the outburst of their frustrations and expectations. While crying and screaming in isolation helps to release the pain….the same when shown to influence others creates negativity. Both genders are created to serve their purpose. None is WEAK or STRONG. Let’s get out of this Gender bias and use our Emotions positively. With so much on Child’s platter today – School, extra-curricular activities, social media, digital media it is natural for these two emotions to take the lead. With emotional quotient gaining importance, it becomes essential to pay little attention to these two emotions A TIP (to be followed once a week or month) When your child struggles or feels frustrated · Ask him/her to pen down the feelings which makes them cry. · Discuss these and try to provide positive alternatives/solutions · You may play a Game where a child writes one emotion and you write one emotion that makes both of you cry. Exchange and discuss why. Then suggest a better alternative to those problems. Whoever gets better alternative gains a point. You may appoint a neutral judge (a third person) or decide on your own. Remember that there are no set guidelines or ways to handle emotional behaviours. Every human being respond differently to different emotions and their outcomes.

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