The journey of EngaZer's started in 2017 when the founder, was recruiting a team of people for the new project in our company. The candidates were young graduates from reputed universities from different regions. They were academically strong, however, their behavioural performance in the interview failed to match their academic excellence. The bell rung her mind that day. The children who spent 12 years of their life working so hard were unable to express their passion, their confidence and their aspirations. The insecurity of not being able to land up with a good job engulfed them heavily, restricting them to open their doors of Self-belief and trust. The sound from the bell increased when her own son graduated from the school and struggled with his essays, video interviews and resume writing for the university admission. The continuous ringing of the bell did not let her sleep. Despite giving an expensive education, lifestyle and coaching to her children, they still had to struggle !!! What did she MISS? The urge to find this missing element led her give birth to EngaZer's.
EngaZer's is a concept that do not follow conventional training platforms. Children are more knowledgeable than they know. We, through our highly curated programs, coach children to dig their knowledge and communicate to outer world with confidence and poise.