13 September 2020

1-minute Health Habits for Online Learning

Online Learning 2020...........a new trend or a necessity !!! Children have no option but to remain stuck to a digital screen for an average of 8-10 hours per day that includes their computer, mobile or play-station. With these extended hours of online viewing, how to take care of your children? Simple health habits can be highly effective. The continuous gaze at the screen reduces blinking of eyes resulting in Dry eyes, irritation and redness in some cases. Extended hours of sitting can lead to tiredness, soreness in muscles and stiffness of joints. Keeping focus becomes highly challenging during online learning and consumption of fast foods & aerated drinks is likely to rise! Try these 1-minute health habits.......that will surely ease out the stress of Online Learning.

                       Healthy Eyes                                                    Healthy Nutrition                     

                       Healthy Posture                                          Improved Focus

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