"The bridge between knowledge and skill is PRACTICE The bridge between skill and mastery is TIME"

YES, practice is essential to develop a SKILL and time is essential to MASTER it. We promise you TIME AND PRACTICE and you promise us your perseverance and self-motivation.

Public Speaking is not restricted to addressing a crowd on stage. It extends much beyond it. It includes Debates, Talk-shows, Presentations, Pitching, Hosting, Key Note Speeches and much more. There are some basic rules of Public Speaking and some rules are specific to the type of event. Whether you choose to be a doctor, or an engineer, or a design architect, or a radio/video jockey, or an actor, or a journalist, or a chartered accountant. or an investment banker, or a chef, or an entrepreneur, or a military officer or a sport personnel, addressing your team, your customers, the media, the investors, the bankers is an art that will define you a Leader.

In the current world of media, information and technology, it is impossible to remain in isolation and hence mastering the communication skill becomes ESSENTIAL. Communication is not a separate subject, it is an art of using your knowledge and learning. Children study different subjects in school and college but do not know how and where to make use of that knowledge. Mastering the art of communication develops their belief and learning and they become confident of their knowledge. This belief and confidence, in turn, helps to improve their academic performance in addition to personality development.

We Provide Wholesome Experience

The EngaZer's Club provides a wholesome experience of effective communication, teamwork, networking and leadership.

1st Tuesday of the Month

  • Prepared Speech
  • Visual Presentation
  • Short Key Note

3rd Tuesday of the Month

  • Impromptu Speaking
  • Pitching
  • Hosting

Last Saturday of the Month

  • Talk Show
  • Debate

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