1 June 2023

Teaching Kids to Say 'No' with...

Far too often, children feel...

24 April 2021

The FIRST Mentors

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam ……..a phrase came in existence more than a thousand year back. Most of us have heard it and few of us may know the actual meaning of this...

15 January 2021

Irony of growing up

Children (both males and females) gains attention and force us to succumb to their demands by CRYING and SCREAMING When they grow up……….these emotions become GENDER SPECIFIC Females choose CRYING...

13 September 2020

1-minute Health Habits for Online Learning

Online Learning 2020...........a new trend or a necessity !!! Children have no option but to remain stuck to a digital screen for an average of 8-10 hours per day that...

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