Career Counselling

Career’s shapes our life. An inappropriate career choice can lead to frustration, stagnant career path, lack of motivation and a compromised future.

While it may be difficult to choose a right career immediately after school when children are far away from outside world, with a right guidance and counselling one can choose a career most suited to the interest and aptitude of the child.

At EngaZer’s we provide career counselling to high-school students from various curriculums to take up higher education in different countries.

Our career counselling session includes

  • Psychometric Career test
  • Career Counselling Session (Option of 1 or 3 sessions)

Package with 1 counselling session –

  • Analysis and interpretation of Psychometric test report
  • Career choices available as per career report and interest

Package with 3 counselling session

  • Analysis and interpretation of Psychometric test report
  • Career choices available as per career report and interest
  • Student’s interest, reservations and aspirations. Discussing strengths and challenges.
  • List of Colleges that a student can choose from
  • Writing College Essay ; Resume Writing ; Profile Building (option to choose any one)

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